Jared Ledbetter
It's pretty crazy but this has 2 votes more than everything else. So, we figured that we could put something together for this. It's going to start out as an MVP.
Jared Ledbetter
Tony Aponte
Could you allow Veteran organizations with job boards to sign up and utilize an i frame as a display so we wouldn't need to update the VDB site along with our own?
Jared Ledbetter
Tony Aponte: We wouldn't use an iframe tag, but there might be opportunities for API integrations. The hard part, for us, is knowing the difference between an org seeking Veterans, or an org that is Veteran-owned.
For example, Clearance Jobs, would be a good place to integrate with because they are always on the lookout for Veterans. But there aren't too many Veteran-owned job boards on the same level as Clearance Jobs. Which would leave us attempting to integrate with each website individually. Which would be a problem.
We're looking at options on how to solve this dilemma. If you have any ideas, let us know.
Oden Smith
Jared Ledbetter:
Jared Ledbetter:
Likely v1 could start as a vbulletin board with a Now Hiring section to post jobs and a Seeking Employment section to post resumes
V2 could implement an auto scraper using python and selenium to save the page and strip the data needed, and auto post that to the vbulletin. Verified businesses could have a spot in the profile to post the link to all jobs on their supported website like indeed or monster
Once request list is too large and you start getting IP blocks from key sites you could work on v3 data call APIs but honestly you could just space out requests or run some through a proxy server, I don't see requests hitting hundreds per minute without us being able to prune older posts
Edit for examples for data scraper bot:
(all examples gotten by googling "veteran preference indeed" and are not affiliated with me, this site, and are likely not current by the time this is pulled)
Business: the buckeye ranch
Indeed link: https://www.indeed.com/cmp/The-Buckeye-Ranch/jobs
That pulls 28 jobs, each having a title, link, and if applicable area and salary range. You could then have it scrape the link itself for job description, pulling relevant info and copy pasting the job.
One such job that got pulled from that page:
Child Protective Services Specialist
You could then save the info to a post, and the job ID for indeed and the time stamp to a database and when the time stamp is greater than say 24 hours old you have it scrape the data again in the same way, if it's not exactly the same as before edit with changes, if the job is taken down delete or close post somehow.
Obligitory making sure there's no malicious code tags on the description, etc, and likely require some sort of vetting to get approved to be added to the bot?